Gmail's MAF Application

<::OOC Portion::>
Steam Username: garry's
SteamID: Unknown
Discord Tag:
What is the purpose of the Metropolice Armed Forces? The main purpose of the civil protection is to maintain a socio-stability within the day to day life of the city. The term of socio-stability govern protection from inside threats, like generic criminals, from without (low level rebels or terrorists), and beyond (xenian creatures within and outside city limits.). In simpler language, it is the job of a CP to make sure the city is safe from threats too big for civilian organizations to handle, but too small for OTA to care about.
Sum up previous experiences as MPF/CCA: I was a CP on Catalyst Gaming, probably one of the best experiences I've had as a CP. I've also been a CP on TacoNBanana as well as, and a few other servers I forget the name of.

<::IC Portion::>
<:: Welcome applicant, please state all of your personal info below.

Full Name: John Gravner
CID (not currently needed)
Age: 28
Citizen Status (CWU, CMU, XIC): N/A

<:: OOC Questions
Why do you want to join the Union? I want to join the Union because I feel like my expertise and skills can be of great usage, as well as my personality.
What is the MAF and how do they operate? The MAF is a police force that also contains numerous sub-organizations designed to help the city and on a larger scale the planet of Earth. They generally operate by having a main focus as a police force, with numerous secondary focuses in order to accommodate many different types of backgrounds and skills.
You may or may not be awarded extra benefits according to your dedication whilst on duty. Do you understand? Yes.
You may not reveal your identity to anyone at any time. If you reveal your identity, you will receive de-servicement. This is for your safety. Do you understand? Yes.
Do you understand that you can be de-whitelisted for OOC and IC actions? Yes
Do you understand that as an MAF unit, your role is very important within the RP environment? Yes

<:: Scenarios ::>
Please describe what you would do in these listed scenarios.
Write at 2-3 sentences, OR you may use the /me format as you would in-game.

Whilst patrolling with two units, you stumble across another unit conversing with two masked and armored men. Your PT leader decides the run after them, upon chasing them they escape through the sewer system. How would you respond to this situation? 
While being under my PT leaders control, it is a terrible idea to enter the sewers with resistance activity and xenian horrors as a four man unit; its genuinely a terrible idea. The optimal strategy would be to wait outside the sewer entrance, and call Dispatch/High Command for advisement. If they wish to send reinforcments so a proper sweep can be conducted. If they do not, then we can resume patrolling and just let it go.
Whilst searching a civilian, you find a 9mm pistol on them. How would you respond to this situation?
First priority is to immediately call backup as a deadly weapon is now involved. Once backup is called, attempt to seize the weapon, firearms are red contraband. Once the 9mm is secured keep the area guarded and dissuade anyone from coming over until backup arrives. Once backup arrives he can be handed off to the JURY units for interrogation (and amputation). I would then continue my duty of patrolling.

During ration distribution, you notice two citizens fighting over a ration. How do you deal with this?
I would report a theft and fight in progress (2 level 4 offenses) and call for backup. I would attempt to secure the area to prevent them from escapin and observe until backup arrives (unless the fight gets worse and I have to intervene). Once backup arrives we move in as a tem and arrest and interrogate both of them, they are handed off to JURY units and we maintain patrol.

Please write a 5 sentence minimum RP example between a unit and a citizen using /me's. Proper spelling and grammar is expected here as well as in-game. Please be original, instead of transfer card RP.
UNION-3 (me) and another unit UNION-5 are patrolling the housing district near the arrivals checkpoint, when both of them spot a citizen who is throwing bricks at a window, yelling obscenities at another citizen who apparently cut him in line at the RDC and is now exacting revenge on his apartment (and him).

/me UNION-3 reaches to his radio, "<:: We have a 10-73 in progress, Code 1, requesting 10-39, civilian housing"

After about a minute Dispatch traces location and confirms reinforcments, en route in about two minutes. 03 and 05 watch until the citizen stops throwing bricks and instead moves into the civilian housing proper, 03 and 05 moving into the civilian housing, locking the combine lock behind them and brandishing stunsticks as they remain quiet, watching him pound on the door in vain. Another minute goes by and he stops pounding on the door, takes three steps back and rams the door right open.

With the situation escalating, 03 and 05 run up to the citizen while he is slowly getting up, covered in splinters and generally being fairly exhausted;

03 yells "MAF EVERYONE ON THE WALL, NOW!" as the situation devolves the aggressor barely getting up and turning towards the combine with a gasp as the apartment owner briefly stares dumbstruck before complying and facing the wall.

05 follows in lockstep, reporting the situation via radio and blocking the doorway in case 03 fumbles.

Fortunately, both citizens comply, as 03 moves over to the aggressor first, 

0/me 03 attempts to tie the man

(He doesn't resist)
03 then pats down the man and finds no contraband.

After, the aggressor is taken away for questioning and prison cycles as 05 asks the apartment owner a few questions. A work order is sent out for a new door for the apartment.

Wow, awesome application and great detail to the RP scenario at the end. This for sure gets my Support.


"Nothing gold can stay."

